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(9"x11" sheets, TRI-M-ITE Sheets)

Abrasive Sheets
3M Imperial WETORDRY Improved Construction

This improved product is constructed of a premium aluminum oxide mineral, better bonding system and more flexible backing. Providing a faster cut, longer life, more consistent finish which will reduce sanding & buffing time. 5O Sheets per sleeve.

Part # Grade Price/Sleeve
2033 1200 $37.00
2032 1500 $37.00
2020 2000 $37.00
2019 2500 $53.00

Use wet or dry sanding old finishes, fine featheredging plus surface work. It is a silicon carbide, closed coat product bonded w/ a waterproof resin. 50 Sheets per sleeve

Part # Grade Price
2000 600A $24.00
2001 500A $24.00
2002 400A $24.00
2003 360A $24.00
2004 320A $24.00
2005 280A $24.00
2006 240A $24.00
2007 220A $24.00
2014 180AC $26.65
2015 150AC $28.35
2016 120AC $30.10
2017 100AC $34.90
2018 80AC   $39.90
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