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(Sikaflex, Bedding Compound, Caulking Wick, Oakum)

Sealants & Caulking
3M Marine Sealant 101

This high quality polysulfide bedding and deck seam sealant chemically cures to form a firm, rubbery watertight seal. Non-sagging, non-shrinking formula becomes tack free in 5 hours and remains permanently flexible. When sealing teak deck seams, use 3M Marine 101 Teak Primer(Part #6533)

Part # Color Size Price
6513 White 3 oz $6.50
6516 Black 3 oz $6.50
6510 White 1/10 Gal. $10.65
6511 Black 1/10 Gal $10.65
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3M Marine Teak Primer

A one-part coating used for sealing oily woods such as teak, prior to caulking seams.

Part # Size Price
6533 Pint $15.15
3M 5200 Marine Adhesive

-This high-performance adhesive/sealant is extremely strong and retains its strength and flexibility above or below the water line.                                                       -Tack free in 48 hours, completely cures in 5 - 7 days with no shrinkage.   Remains workable for up to 4 hours.  Resists weathering and salt water.  1/10 Gallon Cartridges (caulking tube size)

Part # Color Price/Tube
5200M Mahogany $10.95
5200B Black $10.75
5200T Tan $10.75
5200W White $10.75
3M 5200 Marine Adhesive Fast Cure

A faster curing version. Tack free in one hour and fully cured in 24 hours.

Part # Color Price/Tube
5201 White $10.75
Boat life

One part Thiokol base polysulfide rubber sealant cures to a positive waterproof seal. Resists oil, gas, brine, water, weather & most chemicals.  Bonds to wood, fiberglass, metal, plastic, glass. No priming except on oily woods such as teak.  Can be sanded & painted.

Part # Color Size Price
1033 White 1/12 Gal $8.70
1034 Black 1/12 Gal $8.70
1035M Mahognay 1/12 Gal $8.70
1036T Teak 1/12 Gal $8.70