Matthews Boat Owners Association

In 1830, in an era of experiments of the "new" gasoline-powered engine and sail and naptha-powered boats, The Matthews Boat Company was founded by Scott J. Matthews in the basement of his home in Bascom, Ohio. His endeavors were so successful that by 1906 he had moved his company, at the invitation of local businessmen, to Port Clinton, Ohio, where there was deep water and East Coast access necessary to the building and marketing of larger boats.

The company, now called The Matthews Company, continued to prosper, building nothing but quality boats that became world renowned. During World War I, The Matthews Company was one of the few to meet deadlines in delivering 110 sub chasers; The Matthews Company was the first to build stock-built boats - the famous Matthews 38 appeared in 1924 - an idea Scott Matthews originated in order to provide year-round work for his employees; in World War II, the company built landing craft of all types. During the more than 13 years of Prohibition, Matthews built fast boats for both the rum runners and those who chased them - the U. S. Coast Guard. Throughout the company's history, The Matthews Boat Company built pleasure boats, custom prior to 1924, stock beginning in 1924, the latter making it possible for the average family to enter and enjoy the delights of boating.

By 1965, the second generation of the Matthews family made the decision to sell the company. The new owner, long experienced in boating, continued to uphold the same traditions of quality in both wood and fiberglass boats, introducing the latter in 1969. However, economic and world oil problems caused a decrease in the world power boat market, and the Matthews Company produced its last boat in 1974, closing for good in January 1975.

In October 1977, a group of Long Island, New York, Matthews boat owners, recognizing the history, classic value and quality of Matthews, and desiring to preserve what was now an "endangered species", organized the Matthews Boat Owners Association to which all former an present owners were and are, invited to belong. The association was incorporated in 1978 as non-profit under New York State laws. The original group diligently sought owners of Matthews boats through research in Lloyd's Register, advertisements in boating publications, and encouragement to its fledgling members to recruit others.

The good word spread; today The Matthews Boat Owners Association has members representing more than 27 states and Canada, with Matthews boats dating from pre-1900 to 1974. Both the LOG, containing present day information, and SCRAPBOOK QUIPS, a history of the Matthews Boat Company and its boats, are published quarterly. A public repository of Matthews research documents and memorabilia has been established. The Matthews Boat Owners Association acquired all the Matthews Company's records and archives in October 1990, and serves as an active channel of communication and exchange of information for its members.

The organization continues to grow in membership, research, accountability and history of Matthews boats, and camaraderie among members. Won't you join and help preserve a noble boat of long history and quality - the Matthews?

MBOA has an annual self-supporting rendezvous, which brings together Matthews owners to share friendships, experiences, problems and solutions, and other information, and gives members and guests the opportunity to tour the Matthews boats. Members may also join the Great Lakes Chapter and the Pacific Northwest Group. Each holds an annual rendezvous and has social/business meetings throughout the year.

Membership is growing rapidly, and is $25 yearly. A burgee is available at $13.